
Must-see attractions in Ephesus

  • Turkey, Ephesus, Library of Celsus



    Of Turkey's hundreds of ancient cities and classical ruins, Ephesus is the grandest and best preserved. A Unesco-listed World Heritage Site, it's the best…

  • Library of Celsus


    This magnificent library dating from the early 2nd century AD, the best-known monument in Ephesus, has been extensively restored. Originally built as part…

  • Ephesus terrace houses.

    Terraced Houses


    The roofed complex here contains seven well-preserved Roman homes built on three terraces, which are well worth the extra visiting fee. As you ascend the…

  • Great Theatre


    Originally built under Hellenistic King Lysimachus, the Great Theatre was reconstructed by the Romans between AD 41 and 117 and it is thought St Paul…

  • Curetes Way


    Named for the demigods who helped Lena give birth to Artemis and Apollo, the Curetes Way was Ephesus' main thoroughfare, 210m long and lined with statuary…

  • Public Toilets of Ephesus Ancient City, Izmir City, Turkey.



    This square structure has toilet 'seats' along the back walls with a roof above. Although some wealthy citizens had private home bathrooms, they also used…

  • Temple of Hadrian


    One of Ephesus' star attractions and second only to the Library of Celsus, this ornate, Corinthian-style temple honours Trajan's successor and originally…

  • Mary's House


    Atop the foundations of a ruined house on the slopes of Bülbül Dağı (Mt Coressos), said by some to be where the Virgin Mary lived, a chapel now receives…

  • Ephesus Ram Figure, Turkey.Archaeological site, Ephesus - Turkey. The entrance to one of the brothels in Ancient Ephesus was marked by a (carved) footprint.
Turkey brothel Ephesus



    This site, demurely called the 'Love House' on signboards, is eagerly anticipated by visitors, but its rather dishevelled state makes envisioning…

  • Prytaneum


    Two of six original Doric columns mark the entrance to the ruined Prytaneum, one of the most important civic structures in Ephesus. Within and dedicated…

  • Church of St Mary


    Northwest of the Lower Gate, a signposted path leads to the ruins of the Church of St Mary, also called the Double Church. The original building was a…

  • Odeon


    Built around AD 150, this once-lavish 1400-seat theatre boasts marble seats with lions' paws and other carved ornamentation. It was used primarily for…

  • Upper Agora


    This large square measuring 58m by 170m, and used for legislation and local political talk, was flanked by grand columns and filled with polished marble…

  • Asclepion


    A side road called Sacred St running along the western edge of the Upper Agora led to the Asclepion, the medical centre of Ephesus. Protected by the god…

  • Harbour Street


    The 530m-long Harbour St was built by Byzantine Emperor Arcadius (r 395-408) to link the Great Theatre and the Middle Harbour Gate in a late attempt to…

  • Marble Street


    This street, paved with marble slabs slightly raised to aid drainage, formed part of the Sacred Way linking the city centre with the Temple of Artemis…

  • Temple of Hestia


    The Prytaneum hosted this shrine, where the city's eternal flame was tended by vestal virgins, and was fronted by a giant statue of Artemis, now in the…

  • Trajan Fountain


    This honorary fountain from the early 2nd century AD was once dominated by a huge statue of the great soldier-emperor Trajan (r AD 98–117), grasping a…

  • Baths of Varius


    Baths were situated at the main entrances to ancient cities so that visitors could be disinfected and wash before entering. These 2nd-century ones stand…

  • Hercules Gate


    Marking the upper boundary of the Curetes Way, this two-storey gate with reliefs of Hercules on both main pillars was constructed in the 4th century AD…

  • Pollio Fountain


    Backing onto the Upper Agora, this fountain honouring the builder of a nearby aqueduct hints at the lavish nature of ancient Ephesus' fountains, most of…

  • Baths of Scholasticia


    Marble steps behind the Trajan Fountain lead up Bath St to this large hamam. In one niche is a headless statue of Scholasticia, who repaired the baths in…

  • Memmius Monument


    This monument from the 1st century AD is dedicated to Caius Memmius, nephew of the dictator Sulla who sacked Ephesus in 84 BC. Pillars with dancing…

  • Lower Agora


    This 110-sq-m one-time market had a massive colonnade. The shops in the colonnades traded in food and textiles; the agora's proximity to the harbour…

  • Gate of Hadrian


    This monumental arch, which links the Curetes Way with Marble St, is thought to have been dedicated to Hadrian when he visited Ephesus.

  • Grotto of the Seven Sleepers


    The road to/from Ephesus' Lower Gate passes this cave tomb on Panayır Dağı (Mt Pion), where seven young legendary Christians, persecuted by Emperor Decius…

  • Sanctuary of the Mother Goddess Cybele


    Excavations on the northern slope of Panayır Dağı (Mt Pion) overlooking the so-called Grotto of the Seven Sleepers have revealed stelae or sepulchral…

  • Temple of Domitian


    This ruined temple recalls Domitian (r AD 81–96), the tyrant as evil as Nero who banished St John to Patmos (where the evangelist wrote the Book of…

  • Stadium


    Outside the Lower Gate, the stadium dates from the 2nd century AD. The Byzantines removed most of its finely cut stones to build the fortress and the…

  • Temple of Serapis


    This massive structure, reached by a flight of marble steps in the southwest corner of the Lower Agora, may have contained a temple to the Greco-Egyptian…

  • Gymnasium of Vedius


    On a side road between the Lower Gate car park and the Selçuk road, this ruined 2nd-century-AD structure has exercise fields, baths, a lavatory, covered…

  • Harbour Baths


    These baths, part of a complex that included a gymnasium and a sports area, were erected at the end of the 1st century AD but were badly damaged by an…

  • Theatre Gymnasium


    You can pick out the foundations of this once-colossal structure, which was used for physical training and dates from around AD 125. A lot of excavation…

  • Columns of the Evangelists


    The middle of Harbour St (Arcadian Way) is marked by the shafts of Corinthian columns that once supported statues of the four Evangelists erected in the…

  • Upper Gate (Magnesian Gate)


    This is the more popular entry point of Ephesus' two entrances. It was erected under Emperor Vespasian in the 1st century AD.

  • Temple of Isis


    Objects discovered in this small temple in the Upper Agora suggested that it was dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Isis.

  • Necropolis


    Site of a necropolis dating to the 6th century BC which was later covered by the upper (or state) agora.

  • Hydreion


    This rectangular fountain with four columns sits next to the Memmius Monument.

  • Lower Gate


    This is the second, less frequented entrance to the ruins at Ephesus.

  • Tomb of St Luke


    It is thought that the ruins of the small circular building south of the Baths of Varius, which was once a church, contain the tomb of the evangelist, St…