
Must-see attractions in Puerto Montt

  • Monte Verde

    Puerto Montt

    A small child's footprint discovered in a marshy field 28km west of Puerto Montt turned the archaeological world on its head in 1975 – evidence of human…

  • Av Angelmó Street Stalls

    Puerto Montt

    Along busy, diesel-fume-laden Av Angelmó is a dizzying mix of streetside stalls (selling artifacts, smoked mussels, cochayuyo – an edible sea plant – and…

  • Casa del Arte Diego Rivera

    Puerto Montt

    A joint Mexican-Chilean project finished in 1964, the upstairs Sala Hardy Wistuba specializes in works by local artists, sculptors and photographers. Also…

  • Catedral de Puerto Montt

    Puerto Montt

    Built entirely of alerce in 1856, this church, located on the Plaza de Armas, is the town's oldest building and one of its few attractive ones.

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