
Mercado Central


í’s central market occupies a grand 1890s building near the top of Paseo de í. Go early to see squid so fresh they’re still changing colour, as well as a profusion of fruit and veg grown in greenhouses across the province.


ϲʼʱ's must-see attractions

Nearby í attractions

1. Aljibes Árabes de Jayrán

0.14 MILES

These brick-vaulted underground cisterns, built in the early 11th century to help supply the city’s water, are well preserved. During the day, they're…

2. Refugios de la Guerra Civil

0.14 MILES

During the civil war, í was the Republicans’ last holdout in Ի岹ܳí, and was repeatedly and mercilessly bombed. The attacks prompted a group of…

3. Centro de Interpretación Patrimonial

0.26 MILES

A good place to get your historical bearings and set the city's sights in context, this informative museum has three floors of historical exhibits as well…

4. Catedral de la Encarnación

0.31 MILES

í’s formidable, six-towered cathedral, begun in 1525, was conceived both as a place of worship and a refuge for the population from frequent pirate…

5. Museo de la Guitarra

0.34 MILES

It's worth establishing two important facts before you enter this absorbing museum. First: the word 'guitar' is derived from the Andalucian-Arabic word…

6. Centro Andaluz de la Fotografía

0.35 MILES

Anyone interested in photography should visit this excellent centre, which puts on top-class exhibitions of work by Spanish and international…

7. Museo de í


í's excellent archaeology museum focuses on two local prehistoric cultures – Los Millares (3200–2250 BC), probably the Iberian Peninsula's first…

8. Muralla de Jayrán

0.45 MILES

Visible from the Alcazaba, this fortified wall was built in the 11th century to defend the outlying northern and eastern parts of the city.