
Must-see attractions in Jordan

  • Mosaic in the Church of the Apostles in Madaba, Jordan.

    Church of the Apostles


    This insignificant-looking church contains a remarkable mosaic dedicated to the Twelve Apostles. The embroidery-like mosaic was created in AD 568 and is…

  • The visitor center and museum of Jerash, Jordan.



    Before you finish exploring ancient Jerash, visit this compact museum and visitor centre just above the forum. It houses a small but worthwhile selection…

  • Temple of Zeus in Jerash, Jordan.

    Upper Temple of Zeus


    Though most of it has collapsed, this temple has imposing 15m-high columns that are some of Jerash's most dramatic. The thick walls of the sanctum still…

  • Jebel Umm Al Ishrin, Wadi Rum Desert

    Jebel Umm Al Ishrin

    Wadi Rum

    The deeply crevassed ‘Mother of Twenty’, a 20-domed mountain forming the east flank of Wadi Rum, is connected to the Seven Pillars of Wisdom formation…

  • Petroglyphs (Alameleh inscriptions) of a caravan of camels on the sandstone rock in Wadi Rum desert in Jordan.

    Alameleh Inscriptions

    Wadi Rum

    Thamudic and Nabataean inscriptions, depicting camel caravans, hunting warriors and various animals, are common throughout the Wadi Rum area. The Alameleh…

  • Entrance to Barrah Canyon, Wadi Rum, Jordan.

    Barrah Canyon

    Wadi Rum

    One of the most visited of numerous canyons that riddle Wadi Rum, this 5km-long corridor of rock through the mountains offers opportunities for hiking,…

  • Dibeen Forest Reserve


    Established in 2004, this nature reserve consists of an 8-sq-km area of Aleppo pine and oak forest. Managed by the Royal Society for the Conservation of…

  • Ain Abu Aineh

    Wadi Rum

    Often mistaken for Lawrence’s Spring, the ‘Father of Aineh Spring’ is piped down the mountain into a large tank for Bedouin sheep, goats and camels. Look…

  • Aqaba Bird Observatory


    Run by the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, this bird sanctuary is an artificially created wetland that's become host to a variety of species…

  • House of Calligraphy


    You don’t have to be a linguistic scholar to enjoy the dynamic rhythms of Arabic script. Reinforcing Islamic heritage, the women in this workshop aim to…

  • Biscuit House


    Delicious Jordanian delicacies are prepared for sale in RSCN Nature Shops in this cottage-industry kitchen. With an on-site cafe selling locally produced…

  • Soap House


    Ever wondered what pomegranate soap smells like? Local women demonstrate the art of making all kinds of health-promoting soaps using natural local…

  • Haya Cultural Centre


    Designed especially for children, this centre has a library, a playground, an interactive ecomuseum and an inflatable castle. It also organises regular…

  • Lookout Point

    Umm Qais

    This viewpoint offers tremendous vistas over Israel and the Palestinian Territories across the Sea of Galilee and the Golan Heights.

  • Pella


    Pella, near the modern Arab village of Taqabat Fahl, was one of the cities of the fabled Roman Decapolis. It's of great importance to archaeologists…

  • Qasr Al Hallabat Fort


    With a fair proportion of masonry still standing, some beautifully restored archways and a desolate perch on the edge of the Eastern Desert, this fort is…

  • Qasr Al Mushatta


    These partially reconstructed 8th-century ruins are of the winter palace of Umayyad caliph Walid II, planned as a lavish castle but never finished. They…

  • King Abdullah I Mosque in Amman, Jordan.  It was built between 1982 and 1989. ; Shutterstock ID 172726706; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Content Asset; Full Product or Project name including edition: Jordan 2017

    King Abdullah Mosque


    Completed in 1989 as a memorial by the late King Hussein to his grandfather, this blue-domed landmark can house up to 7000 worshippers, with a further…

  • Lawrence’s Spring

    Wadi Rum

    This spring, on the edge of the open sands, is a regular stop on the 4WD circuit. Alternatively, it can be reached on a soft sand hike from the Rest House…

  • Qasr Burqu & Lake


    The Romans built the small fort at Burqu to protect a seasonal lake that provided precious water in a highly arid region. They helped conserve the water …

  • Cave of the Seven Sleepers


    The legend of the ‘seven sleepers’ involves seven Christian boys who were persecuted by the Roman Emperor Trajan, then escaped to a cave and slept there…

  • Dead Sea Panoramic Complex Lookout

    Dead Sea Highway

    Walk among cacti to this lookout, high above the Dead Sea, and then watch raptors wheel in the wadis below, and you will have to pinch yourself to think…

  • Abila


    Lying 10km north of Irbid, between the hills of Tell Abila and Tell Umm Al Amad, are the remains of the Decapolis city of Abila. Largely unexcavated, the…

  • Temple of Zeus


    Built in AD 162 over the remains of an earlier Roman temple, the Temple of Zeus was once approached by a magnificent stairway leading from the temenos …

  • Nymphaeum


    On the western side of the cardo maximus is the elegant nymphaeum, the main ornamental fountain of Jerash, dedicated to the water nymphs. Built about AD…

  • Church of St Stephen


    The ruined Church of St Stephen, protected by a large hangar, is one of four churches in the original village of Umm Ar Rasas. Inside, the magnificent…

  • Church of SS Lot & Procopius

    Mt Nebo

    Originally built in 557, this church houses a remarkable mosaic with scenes of daily life such as agricultural work, fishing and winemaking (in particular…

  • Royal Botanic Garden


    The new Royal Botanic Garden aims to showcase Jordan's surprisingly varied flora and highlight best practice in habitat conservation. The site, which…

  • Khirbet Abu Hussain


    Deep in the Harra Desert are the peculiar ruins of the ancient settlement of Khirbet Abu Hussain. It's a hill fort on a small peak, and part of a dozen…

  • Wadi Al Dahik


    In the southern corner of the Badia and nestled close to the Saudi border off the main highway is the alien landscape of Wadi Al Dahik. The area's name…

  • Folklore Museum


    Immediately to the right as you enter the Roman Theatre, this small museum houses a modest collection of items illustrating traditional Jordanian life. It…

  • Visitors Centre


    This helpful interpretative centre makes a good starting point for visiting the highlights of Madaba. It's worth a visit in its own right, as it's housed…

  • Dar As Saraya Museum


    Located in a stunning old villa of basaltic rock that's located just behind the town hall, this museum is an interesting diversion. Built in 1886 by the…

  • Vaulted Gallery


    The vaulted passageway under the courtyard of the Temple of Zeus is a good starting point in Jerash's ancient city. When your eyes become accustomed to…

  • Petra Exhibition

    Wadi Musa

    Awaiting the completion of a new home (currently being built across from the Petra Visitor Centre), this excellent exhibition makes the most of more than…

  • Rainbow Street


    This street in Jebel Amman is a destination in itself. Ammanis come here every evening to promenade and to visit the many great cafes and restaurants – to…

  • Forum


    The row of columns immediately in front (north) of the Roman Theatre is all that’s left of the forum, once one of the largest public squares (about 100m…

  • Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology


    This museum features exhibits from all eras of Jordanian history. The collection opens with 9000-year-old Neolithic statuettes found near Amman, covers…

  • Salt Archaeological Museum


    This delightful little museum is located in a well-restored Ottoman-era building and covers the history of the Jordan Valley area with excellent…

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