
Must-see attractions in Bosa

  • Italy, Sardinia, Western Sardinia, Bosa, town view with Castello Malaspina, sunset

    Castello Malaspina


    Commanding huge views, this hilltop castle was built in the 12th and 13th centuries by the Tuscan Malaspina family. Little remains of the original…

  • Museo Casa Deriu


    Housed in an elegant 19th-century townhouse, Bosa's main museum showcases local arts and artisanal crafts. Each of the three floors has a different theme…

  • Chiesa di Nostra Signora di Regnos Altos


    Enclosed within the walls of the Castello Malaspina, this humble but hallowed 14th-century chapel is decorated with an extraordinary 14th-century fresco…

  • Cattedrale di San Pietro Extramuros


    Two kilometres upstream from the Chiesa di Sant’ Antonio Abate is this 11th-century cathedral, said to be the oldest Romanesque church in Sardinia…

  • Aerial view of the beautiful village of Bosa with colored houses and a medieval castle. Bosa is located in the north-wesh of Sardinia, Italy. Aerial view of colorful houses in Bosa village, Sardegna.

    Ponte Vecchio


    Spanning the Temo River near the heart of the old town, Bosa's main bridge is a handsome three-arched affair, built from the region's characteristic red…

  • Museo Delle Conce


    On the south bank of the river, this museum occupies Bosa's former tanneries, which remained in business until after WWII. On the ground floor you can see…

  • Cattedrale dell’Immacolata


    Bosa's cathedral dates to the early 19th century when it was built over an earlier Romanesque church. A rare, if not overly riveting, example of rococo …

  • Torre dell’Isola Rossa


    This tower overlooking the beach at Bosa Marina is one of the largest in a series of defensive towers built by the island's Aragonese rulers in the 16th…

  • Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Abate


    A short walk from Ponte Vecchio on the southern side of the river is the little Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Abate. Featuring a 16th-century Gothic facade in…

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