
Must-see attractions in Kythira

  • Kastro


    Crowning the rocky headland that soars at the southern end of Hora, this tumble-down 14th-century fortress was built by Kythira’s first Venetian governor…

  • Archaeological Museum of Kythira


    Hora’s impressive archaeological museum, beside the main road at the northern end of town, traces the history of ‘this small island’ in two rooms. Among…

  • Katouni Bridge


    Supported by 13 arches and measuring 110m long, the largest stone bridge in Greece spans a shallow ravine on what's now a minor road, east of Livadi…

  • Museum of Byzantine & Post-Byzantine Art


    This one-room gallery, in a tiny chapel alongside the Church of the Analipsi, displays icons, mosaics and frescoes rescued from ruined churches all over…

  • Coat of Arms Collection


    Housed in a standalone former powder magazine (a store for explosives), this small exhibition displays and explains the coats of arms of Kythira's leading…

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